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Dumbbell Lunge
Dumbbell Lunge
Dumbbell Lunge Exercise Technique. Perform this exercise correctly & you will target the quads, hamstrings, glutes & the lower back. Stepping back and alternating the legs, remember to keep the...
Leg Extension
Leg Extension
The Leg Extension is an invaluable exercise as part of a leg routine. Compound movement such as squats, hack squats & lunges should be the basis of your leg training routine, while isolation...
Walking Lunge
Walking Lunge
The Walking Lunge is the moving version of the static lunge. This exercise is excellent for stability, working all the stabilising muscles around the hip joint, the knee joint & the ankle joint....
Barbell Squat
Barbell Squat
The Barbell Squat - the King of exercises. Doing it properly will not only help you get the results you want, but also help you avoid injuries. Done properly, this exercise can help you achieve...
Barbell Deadlift
Barbell Deadlift
The traditional Barbell Deadlift is a must to learn in the gym. Powerlifters attest to it, but it is also a great exercise for bodybuilding as it helps strengthen the lower back, glutes &...
Hack Squat
Hack Squat
Hack Squat Technique - A fantastic exercise for the quads which will also bring in the glutes and hamstrings. Emsure your feet are shoulder width apart or slightly wider and your toes are turned...
Standing Calf Raise
Standing Calf Raise
The standing calf raise can  be done on a variety of machines if your gym doesn't have the actual machine. You can also do this exercise on the hack squat, the smith machine or in our case, the V...
Kneeling Leg Curl
Kneeling Leg Curl
The Kneeling Leg Curl is a great piece of equipment for really hitting the hamstrings. This is a great finishing exercise as you get a great stretch & as long as you use great technique. This...
Seated Leg Curl
Seated Leg Curl
Seated Leg Curl Technique - This is a great finishing exercise for the hamstrings. Set the machine up properly with your butt & back right up against the back of the machine, this may take a couple...
Front Barbell Squat
Front Barbell Squat
The Front Barbell Squat is rarely seen in gyms these days, but occasionally seen used by old school bodybuilders or powerlifters. It is a fantastic exercise to work the quads more, with less focus...
Leg Press
Leg Press
Leg Press Technique - With the Leg press, it's crucial to use correct exercise technique for optimum results as well as to minimise injuries. Place your feet shoulder width apart, or a little...
Donkey Calf Raise
Donkey Calf Raise
The Donkey Calf Raise hits the gastroc (the bigger muscle of the calf) without putting the pressure on the spine as it avoid having the pads up on the shoulders as with the standing calf raises....
Lying Leg Curl
Lying Leg Curl
Lying Leg Curl Technique. This is a popular exercise for working the hamstrings (also known as the leg biceps). Lay flat on the bench with the lower back flat. Lower the weight slowly, squeeze to...
Stiff Legged Dead Lift / Romanian Dead Lift
Stiff Legged Dead Lift / Romanian Dead Lift
Romanian Deadlift/Stiff Legged Deadlift Technique - This is a mass building exercise for the hamstrings & is also effective for strengthening the lower back. To achieve good posture, make sure that...
Glute Ham Raise
Glute Ham Raise
The Glute Ham Raise is an exercise you can do anywhere & anytime as long as you can hook your feet under any apparatus or have a partner hold onto your legs. While you won't be able to do a...