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Exercise TechniqueWorkout ProgramsThis Is How I TrainAdvanced TrainingCelebrity AthletesWomens Workouts
Ladies Walking Lunge - Stationary Skipping
Ladies Walking Lunge - Stationary Skipping
Training for Ladies - Walking Lunge & Stationary Skipping: A great routine to help improve conditioning of the lower body and to be slotted in between regular weight training sessions. This routine...
Ladies Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Ladies Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Training for Ladies - Day 1 - Exercise 1 - Dumbbell Shoulder Press: A great exercise to help activate the shoulders which is vital to achieving a great upper body shape. Start the exercise by...
Ladies Side Lateral Raise
Ladies Side Lateral Raise
Training for Ladies - Day 1 - Exercise 2 - Side Lateral Raise: Build up the medial or side head of the shoulder with this exercise, which will help create the illusion of a smaller waist. To begin...
Ladies Rear Lateral Raise
Ladies Rear Lateral Raise
Training for Ladies - Day 1 - Exercise 3 - Rear Lateral Raise: Round out the shoulders with this effective exercise. Begin the exercise by raising your arms out to the side while lying on an...
Ladies Incline Dumbbell Press
Ladies Incline Dumbbell Press
Training for Ladies - Day 1 - Exercise 4 - Incline Dumbbell Press: Chest training isn't extremely important for ladies except to act as an opposing movement to balance out back training. Always...
Ladies Incline Dumbbell Flyes
Ladies Incline Dumbbell Flyes
Training for Ladies - Day 1 - Exercise 5 - Incline Dumbbell Flyes: Always start any chest exercise in the contracted part of the movement. Slowly bring your arms out towards the side maintaining a...
Ladies Tricep Pressdown
Ladies Tricep Pressdown
Training for Ladies - Day 1 - Exercise 6 - Tricep Pressdown: Work the back of the arms with this exercise. Using the rope instead of the bar will help you get a better range of motion. Start the...
Ladies Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension
Ladies Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension
Training for Ladies - Day 1 - Exercise 7 - Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension: Starting at the top of the movement, keep your elbows in towards the side of your head. This exercise will give you a...
Ladies Leg Press
Ladies Leg Press
Training for Ladies - Day 3 - Exercise 1 - Leg Press: Get great legs with this well known exercise. Maintaining a shoulder width stance and placing the legs in the middle of the block, start the...
Ladies Smith Machine Squat
Ladies Smith Machine Squat
Training for Ladies - Day 3 - Exercise 2 - Smith Machine Squat: While this exercise uses less stabilisers than the traditional squat, however is still a great exercise to hit the whole leg as well...
Ladies Leg Extension
Ladies Leg Extension
Training for Ladies - Day 3 - Exercise 3 - Leg Extension: A great isolation movement for the quads, remember to first set up the machine so that the back of your knees is flush against the seat...
Ladies Lying Leg Curls
Ladies Lying Leg Curls
Training for Ladies - Day 3 - Exercise 4 - Lying Leg Curl: This exercise will help you get great looking legs from the side. Before beginning the exercise, ensure that you are in correct position...
Ladies Stiff Legged Deadlift
Ladies Stiff Legged Deadlift
Training for Ladies - Day 3 - Exercise 5 - Stiff Legged Deadlift: An excellent exercise to shape the butt and the hamstrings. This exercise is potentially dangerous so correct form and technique...
Ladies Standing Calf Raises
Ladies Standing Calf Raises
Training for Ladies - Day 3 - Exercise 6 - Standing Calf Raise: The final exercise for the legs and by far one of the best exercises for the calves. This exercise works the gastrocs, the larger...
Ladies Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
Ladies Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
Training for Ladies - Day 5 - Exercise 1 - Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: This exercise is great to work the entire upper back. Remember to set yourself up correctly by sitting close in to the pad. Use a...
Ladies Seated Cable Row
Ladies Seated Cable Row
Training for Ladies - Day 5 - Exercise 2 - Seated Cable Row: This exercise is great in working the whole of the back as well as the back of the shoulders and for achieving good posture. When doing...
Ladies Close Grip Pulldown
Ladies Close Grip Pulldown
Training for Ladies - Day 5 - Exercise 3 - Close Grip Pulldown: This exercise will give you a great stretch in the lats to help you get better development and thus a great V taper. Remember to sit...
Ladies Seated Dumbbell Incline Curl
Ladies Seated Dumbbell Incline Curl
Training for Ladies - Day 5 - Exercise 4 - Seated Dumbbell Incline Curl: You've just completed 3 back exercises already which would have worked your biceps which is why only one isolation bicep...
Ladies Exercise Ball Crunch
Ladies Exercise Ball Crunch
Training for Ladies - Day 5 - Exercise 5 - Exercise Ball Crunch: A very effective exercise to hit the whole of the abdominal region and the core. Placing your hands beside the head, start to lift...
Ladies Cross Bench Ab Crunch
Ladies Cross Bench Ab Crunch
Training for Ladies - Day 5 - Exercise 6 - Cross Bench Ab Crunch: The final exercise for the abs and for the entire workout. Using your hip joint as a hinge and gripping the side of the bench with...
Womens Legs Giant Set 1
Womens Legs Giant Set 1
Training for Women - Superset: Leg Extensions & Seated Leg Curls. Leg Extension: squeeze the weight up for one second, lowering it slowly under tension for 3 seconds. Remember to focus and squeeze...
Womens Legs Giant Set 2
Womens Legs Giant Set 2
Training for Ladies - Giant Set 1: Glute Bridge, Stiff legged Deadlifts & Lunges. Glute Bridge: Keep your heels as close to your butt as possible with your heels and palms flat on the floor. Slowly...
Womens Legs Giant Set 3
Womens Legs Giant Set 3
Training for Women - Giant Set 2: Adductor Machine, Abductor Machine & Sumo Squat. Adductor Machine: This exercise will work the inner thighs. Ensure your back is flush against the seat to allow...
Womens Shoulders Giant Set
Womens Shoulders Giant Set
Training for Women - Giant Set 3: Ladies Shoulders Giant Set - Rotating Press, Cable Front Raise, Cable Side raise & Cable Rear Delt Raise. Rotating Press: Bending your hips at an angle of 45...