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Ladies Incline Dumbbell Flyes
Training for Ladies - Day 1 - Exercise 5 - Incline Dumbbell Flyes: Always start any chest exercise in the contracted part of the movement. Slowly bring your arms out towards the side maintaining a slight bend in the elbow. The movement should be almost perpendicular to your spine. Ensure the motion is nice and smooth and your shoulder blades are back on the bench. Don'ts: Avoid brinng the elbows too close to the side of the body which works the front delts. Also avoid bringing the elbows and turning it into a press or tucking in your chin. Remember the movement is akin to a bear hugging an oak tree. Aim for 3 sets x 15 reps, 30 seconds rest in between sets. Nick Jones - World Champion Bodybuilder & Sally Matterson - INBA Australia Sportsmodel Winner.