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Origins of Kettlebell Training
Origins of Kettlebell Training
Kettlebell Training - Origin of Kettlebell Training - Nick: Ladies and gentlemen, a very very special treat for you today. By popular demand, Kettlebell Training. We're joined today by Andrew...
Benefits of Kettlebell Training
Benefits of Kettlebell Training
Kettlebell Training - Benefits of Kettlebell Training - Nick: So tell us Andrew, what are the benefits and purpose to training with kettlebells as opposed to training on commercial gym...
Who Benefits from Kettlebell Training
Who Benefits from Kettlebell Training
Kettlebell Training - Who Benefits from Kettlebell Training - Nick: So who will benefit from Kettlebell Training? Will a bodybuilder, corporates, fighters or athletes benefit from the training?...
Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell Training - Kettlebell Swing - The Kettlebell Swing is a great posterior chain exercise, which means it will work the muscles on the back of the body, in this case, predominantly the...
Kettlebell Turkish Get Up
Kettlebell Turkish Get Up
Kettlebell Training - Turkish Get Up - The Turkish Get-Up is probably the second most important exercise to learn for Kettlebell Training. There are no benches so we're just using our body....
KettleBell Cleans
KettleBell Cleans
Kettlebell Training – KettleBell Cleans - The kettlebell clean is a progression of the swing. Do not do a clean until you can do a swing. The primary muscles worked are the glutes and hamstring....
Kettlebell Overhead Presses
Kettlebell Overhead Presses
Kettlebell Training – Kettlebell Overhead Presses - Start with the kettlebell clean to get the kettlebell into the correct rack position. It sits against your forearm, bicep, and chest. When doing...
Kettlebell Snatches
Kettlebell Snatches
Kettlebell Training – Kettlebell Snatches - The kettlebell snatch is a very functional exercise. This is an advanced move that requires you to know some other kettlebell techniques before you...
Kettlebell Windmills
Kettlebell Windmills
Kettlebell Training – Kettlebell Windmills - The kettlebell windmill is a great exercise for core stability, shoulder stability, and much more. Clean and press the kettlebell to get into the...