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Oxyshred Hardcore: The Best Flavour

Quick Summary

    • In October 2024, three Mr Supplement team members conducted a blind taste test of Oxyshred Hardcore flavours to determine their favourite.
    • The testers knew the flavour options beforehand but had no prior experience tasting them, ensuring an unbiased result.
    • Smell was the first sensory evaluation, with common descriptions like "sweet" and "smells like cordial."
    • Grape Bubble Gum was described as a blend of strawberry, banana, and cherry, and was the sweetest of all flavours.
    • Lemon Sherbert had a refreshing citrus taste, ideal for those who enjoy lemon and lime in their diet.
    • Watermelon was sweet but lacked the watery essence of traditional watermelon, making it a good middle-ground flavour.
    • Sour Kreepy Krawlies resembled sour candies like Warheads or Skittles, scoring a 6 out of 10 on the sourness scale.
    • Lemon Sherbert emerged as the overall winner, awarded for its clean and refreshing citrus flavour, though all options were considered enjoyable and easy to drink.


Choosing the best flavour of Oxyshred Hardcore can be tricky with so many great options. To help make the decision easier, read on to understand the findings of our taste testing.

How We Taste-Tested Oxyshred Hardcore

In October 2024 three Mr Supplement team members had a little fun by literally doing a “blind” taste test. This involved blindfolding each other before proceeding to mix Oxyshred Hardcore flavours.

The guys knew what flavours were being offered to them as they had already been working on the product's digital launch before they arrived in Australia.

However, they had no prior knowledge of what the product tasted like, so they had no preconceived idea of what flavour they’d choose as their favourite.

Oxyshred Hardcore  - How Does It Smell?

Of course, the smell of the product is an important sense. This is the first sensory experience, and as such, everyone was asked to give their impression of the smell. Comments included “nice” and “smells like cordial,” with the most common description being “sweet.”

The Flavours - Grape Bubble Gum, Lemon Sherbert, Watermelon Candy, Sour Kreepy Krawlies & Cali Cola

Grape Bubble Gum flavour Oxyshred Hardcore we’d describe as a combination of strawberry, banana & cherry. Thus, if you generally like these individual fruits, Grape Bubble Gum may be the one for you. It’s certainly a delicious fruity taste & the sweetest of all the flavours.

The Lemon Sherbert flavour is for all the citrus lovers out there. It’s a clean bitey taste, so if you are inclined to use lemons or limes in your diet this is a pretty good indicator that the Lemon Sherbert flavour would be a great choice. Don’t though expect the Sherbert to fizz as Sherbert did in the old days (remember the powdered Lollie you could buy). “Tasty as it is, there is no fizz”.

Watermelon flavour is sweet, yet to be classed as a traditional watermelon flavour it lacks that watery taste. You know the combination of sweetness & water you get when biting into a real watermelon.

So, Oxyshred Hardcore Watermelon is sweeter than water, does it matter, no, not unless you're some sort of perfectionist or flavour purist. The reality for all practical purposes is the flavour is in the middle of the sweet Bubble Gum Grape & the citrus sour notes of the Lemon Sherbert flavour.

Sour Kreepy Krawlies we would describe as Oxyshred's version of Sour Skittles, Warheads Sour Candy or Toxic Waste Lollypop. If you like your confectionary sour this is the Oxyshred Hardcore flavour for you. On the scale of sour with 1 being mild and 10 being super sour, we would say Oxyshred Hardcore Sour Kreepy Krawlies is a 6.

Cali Cola which has become a popular name for various cola flavours is your traditional cola flavour. Additionally, EHP Labs have added a few other flavour ingredients including vanilla & citrus to enhance the cola taste. Cali Cola is a unique flavour in the fat burner category and one we are sure all users shall enjoy.

The Best Tasting Oxyshred Hardcore Flavour Is?

Let us say the taste-testing first of all was enjoyable as everyone genuinely liked all the flavours. Quite different from each other, they universally were easy to drink with all three tasters agreeing they could down a shot daily without cringing, pulling faces of needing a chaser. In general, all flavours were nicely flavoured & easy on the palate.

So after all is said & done what flavour is best? The votes perhaps speak most with one taster choosing Watermelon as his preferred taste, sighting the mild sweetness “makes it ideal to use every day”. However, two tasters both chose Lemon Sherbert, saying the lemon citrus “just tasted clean & refreshing”. Sour Kreepy Krawlies and Cali Cola both received one vote each, with tasters stating they are "likable & unique".

The Winner:Lemon Sherbert won the Mr Supplement Oxyshred Hardcore blind taste-testing vote.

Our view further though is there’s a flavour for every taste preference. All decidedly different and all pleasant-tasting you really can’t go wrong. We for-see Oxyshred & Oxyshred Hardcore lovers trying & liking them all.

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