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Dumbbell Shrug
Dumbbell Shrug
Dumbbell Shrug Technique - this exercise can also be done with a barbell and with various machines such as the Smith machine, etc. The dumbbell shrug can be done anywhere in any gym and is the...
Seated Row (Supported)
Seated Row (Supported)
The Supported Seated Row exercise targets the upper back including the rear delts, the mid & lower traps as well as the rhomboids. Ensure that you keep the weight controlled at all times and aim...
T-Bar Row
T-Bar Row
T-Bar Rows - Using a T-Bar row over a dumbbell row will allow you to use more weight to build a bigger and stronger back. It is important to maintain a good posture with this exercise with a close...
Wide Grip Chin Up
Wide Grip Chin Up
The Wide Grip Chins really helps to hit the upper back. Most bodybuilders & strength athletes think that the wider the grip, the more the lats are worked. However, the wider the grip, the more your...
Close Grip Chin Up
Close Grip Chin Up
The close grip chin-ups is a great exercise to finish the workout with. You get a great stretch in the lats & really work them hard, which will help give you that great V-taper. Posture is crucial...
Seated Cable Row
Seated Cable Row
The Seated Cable Row like all back exercises could be potentially dangerous so it is crucial to use great form not only to minimise the chance of getting injured but also to get the result you...
Close Grip Cable Pull Down
Close Grip Cable Pull Down
The Close Grip Lat Pulldown exercise is great for the lats, lower traps & rhomboids. Arch the lower back, keep the chin & chest high, & squeeze down, visualising that you are squeezing a grape with...
Barbell Row
Barbell Row
The Barbell Row is one of the best exercises for the back. It's important to use correct form with this exercise. Take a slightly wider than shoulder width grip and ensure that your knees are bent...
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown Technique. This is one of the most popular exercises for the back. Many think that the wider the grip, the wider the back - but this is not the case. When the elbows stay out...
Wide Grip Cable Row
Wide Grip Cable Row
Wide Grip Cable Row - Some gyms will have a prone row or even a T-bar row with a bench. A cable row will be in any gym & is ideal for targetting the mid back including the rhomboids, the mid...