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Introduction to Phase 4 - Advanced Hypertrophy Workouts
Introduction to Phase 4 - Advanced Hypertrophy Workouts
Training Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2: Now is the time to really build some lean muscle tissue here. This is pretty much the last of your training phases. We've already gone through Muscular...
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - Phase 4
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - Phase 4
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 1: The Dumbbell Shoulder Press is fantastic to build mass for the entire deltoid. Start at the the top of the repetition, maintain a...
Cable One Arm Side Lateral Raise - Phase 4
Cable One Arm Side Lateral Raise - Phase 4
Cable One Arm Side Lateral Raise - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 1: The use of a cable in this exercise will keep constant tension on the deltoid whilst doing the exercise. Maintain perfect...
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise - Phase 4
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise - Phase 4
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 1: This exercise as mentioned previously will work the rear or posterior head of the deltoid. For this exercise, keep constant...
Barbell Shrug - Phase 4
Barbell Shrug - Phase 4
Barbell Shrug - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 1: This is the only exercise you'll be doing for the traps, so ensure you're putting in maximum effort. Maintain a shoulder width grip & squeeze...
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press - Phase 4
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press - Phase 4
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 1: This is exercise number 1 for the triceps; the close grip bench press. A great mass builder, maintain a shoulder width grip,...
Tricep V Bar Pushdown - Phase 4
Tricep V Bar Pushdown - Phase 4
Tricep V-Bar Pushdown - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 1: This is exercise number 2 for the triceps in Hypertrophy Phase 2; the tricep pressdown using the V-Bar. The stance shown here is the...
Tricep Dip - Phase 4
Tricep Dip - Phase 4
Tricep Dips - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 1: As we've already pre-exhuasted the triceps with the previous isolation exercise, we're moving on to a very different exercise selection here,...
One Arm Tricep Press Down - Phase 4
One Arm Tricep Press Down - Phase 4
One Arm Tricep Pressdown - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 1: This is the final exercise for the triceps; the one arm triceps pressdown on the cable. As this is an isolation movement & our last...
Lying Leg Curl - Phase 4
Lying Leg Curl - Phase 4
Lying Leg Curl - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 2: Welcome to day 2 of Hypertrophy Phase 2 where we'll be focusing on the hamstrings & the back. Depending on your priorities, you can either...
Romanian Deadlift - Phase 4
Romanian Deadlift - Phase 4
Romanian Deadlift - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 2: This is exercise number 2 for the hamstrings; the Romanian deadlift. This is one of the most effective exercises for the hamstrings....
Kneeling Leg Curl - Phase 4
Kneeling Leg Curl - Phase 4
Kneeling Leg Curl - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 2: The kneeling leg curl is a great finishing exercise for the hamstrings as long as you are using good form. Maintain strict control as you...
Wide Grip Pulldown - Phase 4
Wide Grip Pulldown - Phase 4
Wide Grip Pulldown - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 4: This is exercise 1 for the back; the wide grip pulldown. Maintain a wide grip & sit right in to the machine. Ensure your posture is...
T Bar Row - Phase 4
T Bar Row - Phase 4
T-Bar Row - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 2: Instead of the dumbbell row used in Hypertrophy Phase 1, we'll be using the T-Bar Row in this phase. You can usually use more weight with this...
Seated Supported Row - Phase 4
Seated Supported Row - Phase 4
Seated Supported Row - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 2: The prone row or the supported seated row. Remember to set the machine up correctly so that the seat is at the right height. Make sure...
Close Grip Chin Up - Phase 4
Close Grip Chin Up - Phase 4
Close Grip Chin Up - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 2: Close grip chin ups are a great exercise to finish off your back workout. With a slightly underhand grip about shoulder width, maintain a...
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press - Phase 4
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press - Phase 4
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press  - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 4: Welcome to day 4 of the second phase of hypertrophy training. We'll be doing the chest & biceps today & exercise 1 is the...
Cable Cross Over - Phase 4
Cable Cross Over - Phase 4
Cable Cross Overs - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 4: The cable crossovers are a great exercise for keeping tension on the pecs. Remember that the motion is round in nature & not a press. Make...
Decline Machine Press - Phase 4
Decline Machine Press - Phase 4
Decline Machine Press - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 4: This is the last exercise for the chest in Hypertrophy Phase 2; the decline chest press. As this is a pin loaded machine & you won't...
Incline Dumbbell Curl - Phase 4
Incline Dumbbell Curl - Phase 4
Incline Dumbbell Curl - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 4: This is exercise 1 for the biceps; the incline dumbbell curl. Today we'll be going from a stretch movement to a shortened contracted...
E-Z Curl - Phase 4
E-Z Curl - Phase 4
Ezy Bar Curl - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 4: The Ezy Bar Curl was named not for its degree of difficulty but for the particular type of equipment that it uses; the Ezy bar. Remember to...
Preacher Curl 90 Degrees - Phase 4
Preacher Curl 90 Degrees - Phase 4
90 Degree Preacher Curl - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 4: The 90 degree preacher curl with a barbell is a great movement to get a great stretch on the biceps to work the full range of motion...
Bicep Hammer Curl - Phase 4
Bicep Hammer Curl - Phase 4
Bicep Hammer Curl - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 4: This is the final exercise for the biceps; the alternating hammer curl. Slightly different from the hammer curl shown in Hypertrophy Phase...
Barbell Squat - Phase 4
Barbell Squat - Phase 4
Barbell Squat - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 4: Welcome to the last day of training. We'll be finishing off with a leg day, working the quads and calves as well as a bit of abs. Exercise...
Leg Press - Phase 4
Leg Press - Phase 4
Le Press - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 5 : Now we'll be hitting the leg press, another great compound exercise for building size for the quads, but will also bring in your hamstrings and...
Leg Extension - Phase 4
Leg Extension - Phase 4
Leg Extension - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 5: The third exercise for the quads is the leg extension. As this is an isolation movement, make sure that the only joint moving is the knee...
Machine Squat - Phase 4
Machine Squat - Phase 4
Machine Squats - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 5: This is the final exercise for the quads; the machine squat. You can use a variety of machines including the hack squat or the one used here...
Standing Calf Raise - Phase 4
Standing Calf Raise - Phase 4
Standing Calf Raise - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 5: The standing calf raise can  be done on a variety of machines if your gym doesn't have the actual machine. You can also do this exercise...
Seated Calf Raise - Phase 4
Seated Calf Raise - Phase 4
Seated Calf Raise - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 5: The second exercise for the calf is the seated calf raise. A great movement to work the soleus, the flat muscle under the gastroc....
Donkey Calf Raise - Phase 4
Donkey Calf Raise - Phase 4
Donkey Calf Raise - Phase 4  - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 5: This is the final exercise for the calves; the donkey calf raise. Some gyms have a specific machine, but in this case we're using the...
Hanging Leg Raise - Phase 4
Hanging Leg Raise - Phase 4
Hanging Leg Raise - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 5: We'll finish off Hypertrophy Phase 2 with two ab exercises, one accentuating the lower abs and the other the upper abs and the entire...
Upright Row - Phase 4
Upright Row - Phase 4
Upright Row - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 1: The upright row is the final exercise for this phase & will work the entire deltoid. Taking a shoulder width grip, raise the barbell up to the...
Incline Barbell Bench Press - Phase 4
Incline Barbell Bench Press - Phase 4
Incline Barbell Bench Press  - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 4: Back to the basics; the incline barbell bench press. Taking a shoulder width grip, lift off & control the weight down in a nice...
Crunches - Phase 4
Crunches - Phase 4
Crunches - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 5: This is the final exercise for the abs; the crunches. As mentioned previously, you've already worked them really hard during the big compound...