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Tri Sets Hamstrings - Seated Leg Curl & Stiff Legged Dead Lift
Triset # 2 Hamstrings: Seated Leg Curl/Stiff Legged Deadlift/Seated Leg Curl. For the first set of the seated leg curl, aim for 10 reps. The most important step is to set the machine up correctly so that the knee pads are in the right spot and the back rest is flush against your back. This exercise gives you a great stretch and is a great finishing movement for the hamstrings. Moving on to the stiff legged deadlift for 10 reps. Maintain perfect form with a flat back. Avoid hyperextending to keep the hamstrings under constant tension. Finish off the triset with 6 reps or till failure of the seated leg curl. Aim for 2 sets for beginner-intermediate trainers and 3 sets for the more advanced. Nick Jones - World Champion Bodybuilder & Mario de Vega - Natural Bodybuilder