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Rich Gaspari - Balancing Family, Business & Training

Rich Gaspari has an extremely busy life style, is a father of two, and a family man. He tells of how he balances business, family, and training.

There are no excuses, you can do things if you want to do things, if you take your time to do it. I get up at 6 AM in the morning before work, make sure I do my training routine, and make my seven meals a day. Then I spend my whole day at work. When I get done with work, I go home and spend time with my family. I play with my kids, do stuff with them, and that's very important, trying to allot time with your kids. After my two weeks in Australia, I'm going to spend time with my family. I hope they understand, because I saw how hard my father worked, that's why I have the work ethic that I have, and I hope my kids see the work ethic that I have, and they take that to another level. Rich Gaspari (3x Mr Olympia runner up) & Nick Jones (World Bodybuilding Champion).